
Getting Started on

Feb 14, 2013

Thanks for joining the team at!  This online training platform offers many tools and resources to help you in your daily work with kids.  Here is a quick guide to help you get started.

Getting on base

  • Watch all the Classroom videos, starting with “Introduction” (Corresponding materials are linked below videos where applicable)
  • Go to the Materials section to view and access all materials

Rounding third

Check out the Coaches Forum (editor’s note: we refer to all mentors as “coaches”) for tips, how to guides, and inspiration

  • Share your ideas and expertise by commenting on blog posts
  • Click on any of the “tags” in the lower right corner to find posts on a particular topic
  • Can’t find what you’re looking for?  Submit a topic, using the link above the orange bars.

Wash, rinse, repeat: the Coaches Forum will be updated regularly

Sliding home

Follow us on social media to find out when we add something new to the site!
@CalRipkenSrFdn  - or -

Share with anyone else who works with kids!

Stay tuned for a future post with a guide to our Materials page!