
How to Plan a College Day

Sep 24, 2014

Last week I blogged about how our program team is in the middle of fall events, including College Experience Days. Brooke and I were at Marist in early September, and this past weekend Flynn, Travis, Scott and Chris were in Ohio for two College Days with our partnership with the office of Attorney General Mike DeWine. We held our College Days at University of Dayton and University of Akron University, where the youth spent the day with collegiate athletes and learned all about what it takes to get into college. 

So how can your organization plan a College Day? What do you need to make it successful? Here are 3 tips:

  1. Create contacts: Reach out to local colleges/universities in your area. Find a contact in the admissions, athletics and/or faculty department that could help you organize the event.
  2. Schedule and plan: After finding the right contact at the school, pick a date and start finalizing a schedule for the day. Activities can include speakers from the university, a campus tour, tickets to an athletic event, or other exciting activities geared towards exposing youth to college life.
  3. Have fun!: Make sure to get the most out of the College Day for your youth. We want kids to think about higher education and that it is possible for them to go to college. A fun and well planned day can leave a positive lasting impression that will encourage the pursuit of higher education or other academic goals.

If your group attends your own College Day, please send us pictures. We would love to share your story!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and see where we are next.