
Program Team Kicks it Into High Gear

May 11, 2018

The calendar for the Program Team may "restart" in January, but it fills up quickly before we even realize it! This past month our team has conducted at least 15 different events - that is an average of almost four events per week! And these events are not always held in the Baltimore area. Our team has been to Houston, TX, Minneapolis, MN, Springfield, MA, Los Angeles, CA, and so many places in between just in the past month alone. While writing a blog is a great way to provide updates on the great things happening with the foundation, our team provides more timely updates using Twitter! Everyone on the program team has a twitter account and shares updates from our events on a regular basis. There are several ways you can follow along with all of the action! 


Program Team List

The official Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation Twitter account (@CalRipkenSrFdn) created a list that you can use to see updates from all of the team. This list is found here:


Team Member Accounts

You can also follow along with each team member on their individual accounts: 

Tim Bancells - @Tim_CRSF

Pat Coan - @Pat_CRSF

Darius Gardner - @Darius_CRSF

Stephanie Green - @Stephanie_CRSF

Sam Nagurny - @Sam_CRSF

Travis Punt - @Travis_CRSF

Kaitlin Rowan - @Kaitlin_CRSF

Chris Rubright - @Chris_CRSF

Courtney Stephens - @Courtney_CRSF

Scott Swinson - @Scott_CRSF

Program Team Interns - @Intern_CRSF

The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation Program Team

Keep up with the team to see all of the upcoming fun! We have our first week of overnight camp in June, along with many other exciting events! 

Check out our latest tweets below!