
Ways to Stop Bullying: Today’s Resilience Play of the Day!

Jan 14, 2021

Bullying is an ongoing problem with kids all around the United States and the World. It is important for kids to understand what bullying is and how to avoid and prevent it. In today's #RipkenPlaybook kids will learn ways they can stand up to bullying in order to promote kindness. 


  • Piece of paper
  • Pen/pencil
  • Colorful Markers, Crayons, or Pencils

Activity Instructions:
1. Start with your piece of paper and rotate it so it is vertical towards you.
2. Next, place your hand on the piece of paper and use the pen or pencil to outline your
3. After your hand is traced, add the title “ 5 Ways to Stop Bullying”
4. In each of your fingers write something you can do to help stop bullying.
5. Finally, fill your paper with decorations and hang it somewhere you can see it everyday!